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MUSC Health Amyloidosis Center

Medical University of South Carolina
30 Courtenay Drive, MSC 592, Room 204
Charleston, South Carolina, United States
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MUSC Health, the clinical enterprise of the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), is dedicated to the pursuit of changing what’s possible in health care. Recognizing and treating amyloidosis requires specific expertise. At MUSC Health’s Cardiac Amyloidosis Clinic, experts from many specialties meet to discuss your case and develop your personalized treatment plan.
At MUSC Health, You’ll Find:
Specialized Expertise: You need doctors who know which treatments work. Ours is the only center in the Southeast with expertise in treating complex multisystem disorders like cardiac amyloidosis and sarcoidosis.
Support and Collaboration: Amyloidosis affects your health in many ways. Our approach is to offer collaborative care from experts in multiple specialties, as you need it. Our team is pursuing national accreditations from amyloid associations to validate our comprehensive approach. We host an amyloidosis support group to provide community, connection and education.

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