Dr. Taxiarchis Kourelis is a hematology specialist in Mayo Clinicexternal link, opens in a new tab, Rochester, Minnesota and has been practicing for 7 years. He is a specialist in hematology, oncology, and medical oncology.
Dr. Kourelis has received board certifications in hematology, internal medicine and medical oncology. He completed his residency from the University of Connecticut and MD from the University of Athens Medical School.
Dr. Kourelis has special interests in multiple myeloma, light chain amyloidosis, POEMS syndrome and monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease. He has received an advanced fellowship in myeloma, amyloid, and dysproteinemia disorders from division of hematology.
Representative Publications:
Natural history of multiple myeloma with de novo del(17p)external link, opens in a new tab
Mayo Clinic<br>
200 First St. SW