Are you caring for an aging parent, spouse, partner, elderly relative, child with an illness or disability, or another person close to you?
Caring for Yourself While Caregiving: A Bronx Resource Guide, outlines helpful, low-cost resources in the Bronx, including books and websites. It is about making sure that while caring for others, you remember to take care of yourself too.
The 32-page guide — recognized with a Platinum Generations Award, an international competition for excellence in marketing to people age 50 and over — contains information in six categories:
- Basic Information on Being a Caregiver.
- Getting the Support You Need.
- Relaxation and Lowering Stress.
- Keeping Your Body Healthy.
- Finding Spiritual Support.
- Exploring Your Creativity/Enjoy Social Life.
How to Get Your Copy of the Guide:
You can download a free PDF in both English and Spanish.
To have a free print copy mailed to you, please email your request to [email protected]. Remember to include your name, mailing address, and let us know if you want a copy in English or Spanish.
For Hospital Departments and Organizations
To order print copies for your patients or department, please click here for ordering information.
To learn more about this guide call 718-920-6576 or email [email protected].
About The Caregiver Support Center
As the first medical center in New York City to offer families a Caregiver Support Center (CSC), we realize that the role of a caregiver can be demanding, lonely and stressful.
At the CSC, we offer family and friends of patients a private, safe,soothing and confidential environment to reflect, talk and hold family meetings.
So while your loved one is being cared for in the hospital, feel free to stop by the esc where our specially trained staff will ensure you find the warm, welcoming and supportive atmosphere that you deserve.
Come to the CSC to receive comfort and support, and use our quiet areas for privacy, relaxation and personal conversations.
We also offer access to:
• Telephones, computers and Wi-Fi
• Copy and fax machines
• Caregiver resource library
Please visit us at:
Arthur D. Emil Caregiver Support Center (Moses Campus)
111 East 210th Street
Bronx, New York 10467
(The Center is located at the Moses Campus at 111 East 210th Street. Enter the hospital at the East Gun Hill Road entrance. We're on the first floor across from the cafeteria.)
For more information, visit us online or contact Lynette Olmo, Program Assistant at 718-920-8080.
Caregiver Support Center (Einstein Campus)
1825 Eastchester Road
Bronx, New York 10461
(The center is located on the 4th floor of Weiler Hospital, adjacent to the CICU waiting room.)
For more information, visit us online or contact Lourdes Cruz Mendez, Administrative Assistant at 718-904-3599.
Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Services are provided free of charge to caregivers of Montefiore patients.