Patient Advocacy
Trish Ulloa spent the bulk of her career in Critical Care. She joined Stanford's Amyloid Center in 2013 and was the original Nurse Coordinator assisting in its…
Marie Lugtu graduated from the University of San Francisco School Of Nursing, Clinical Nurse Leader Program with a Masters in Nursing. She joined Stanford's Amyloid…
Stacy Kobayashi earned a BS in Nursing from Loma Linda University and MS in Business Administration from Santa Clara University. Since 2014, she has been working as…
Deborah Boedicker is an active philanthropist. In addition to being a board member and treasurer for Mackenzie's Mission, she is board chair for MentorPrize; member…
Family History
Given the hereditary (runs in some families) nature of hATTR amyloidosis, you may have first become aware of hATTR amyloidosis through patterns in…
Every medical case, to paraphrase the writer Viet Thanh Nguyen, is lived twice: once in the wards and once in memory. Some of what follows is still intensely vivid…
Eliminating #healthdisparities. Promoting prevention of #heartdisease & #stroke via #education #research #advocacy
Join a Live Webinar Event on "Progress in Amyloidosis Research: Where Are We Now?" conducted by the Amyloidosis Foundationexternal link, opens in a new tab.…
Patients, caregivers and loved ones with AL amyloidosis - If you do not answer the questions you will not be allowed to join.
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