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Kevin R. Anderson, MD
Community Leader Urologist
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
1600 Eureka Road
Roseville, California, United States
In 2004 he returned to California, where he served as chief of Urology from 2007 to 2011 at Kaiser Permanente. In 2008 he was diagnosed with primary amyloidosis, a rare, incurable and ultimately fatal disease. However, through the miracles of medicine and the faith and support of so many, he was able to receive a life-saving heart transplant in 2008. He shares his story in his recently published book, The Middle of Infinity – A Doctor’s Journey Through Illness”.
Witteles was the Stanford cardiologist who called Anderson shortly after Anderson learned that a heart transplant would be the first step in his care—and that Stanford would be willing to perform the surgery on a patient with amyloidosis. Kevin Anderson was diagnosed with amyloidosis six years ago. With a heart transplant, a bone marrow transplant and chemotherapy, he is now healthy and back at work.
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