Prothena Biosciences

hATTR amyloidosis is a rare condition that affects an estimated 50,000 people worldwide. It is caused by an inherited gene variant, or change, in the transthyretin…
La AhTTR se debe a un cambio genetico (mutacion) que afecta a la funcion de una proteina en la sangre denominada transtiretina (TTR). Esta proteina se produce…
A amiloidose ATTRh e provocada por uma alteracao genetica (mutacao) que afeta o funcionamento de uma proteina designada por transtirretina (TTR). Esta proteina e…
Adoptar habitos saludables sencillos representa uno de los factores mas infl uyentes en el desarrollo de una vida sana. El estado nutricional afecta a la salud…
Join the first program in this special educational series to hear from doctors, advocates and people living with amyloidosis to learn about:
* Understand that…
This channel is dedicated to providing resources & information on hATTR amyloidosis.
When Greg first learned about a rare disease affecting his brother, he had no idea that the illness would come to define his own life, or that his search for…
Akcea Therapeutics UK Ltd., has announced that NICE has issued a positive Final Evaluation Document (FED) for Tegsedi(tm) (inotersen) for the treatment of stage 1…
Living with hATTR amyloidosis can cause stress and may make it hard to interact with others. It is important to remember that these are normal feelings following…
Deciding to leave your job following your hATTR amyloidosis diagnosis can be a difficult and personal decision. There is no right or wrong way to go about making…