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Don M. Benson, MD, PhD
Healthcare Professional / Researcher Director of the Myeloma Program
Ohio State University
A445 Starling Loving Hall
320 W 10th Ave
Columbus, Ohio, United States
Dr. Don M. Benson serves as a professor of medicine and as the director of the Myeloma Program at The Ohio State University. He received his medical degree from Northeast Ohio Medical University and has been in practice between 11-20 years.
Following his internal medicine residency at the University of Virginia, Dr. Benson came to The Ohio State University to complete his subspecialty training in clinical oncology and his postdoctoral laboratory training. He joined the faculty at Ohio State in 2006 and holds the rank of Associate Professor of medicine.
Dr. Benson is a member of the Molecular Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention Program at the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC) – James, where he and his multidisciplinary, subspecialized team care for patients with multiple myeloma and amyloidosis, as well as those undergoing blood and marrow stem cell transplantation.
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