In this episode, Frederick Ruberg, MDexternal link, opens in a new tab, and Mathew Maurer, MDexternal link, opens in a new tab, discuss key topics in cardiac…
We recommend that patients with myeloma and related disorders, whether on or off chemotherapy, receive COVID vaccination as soon as it is available and offered to…
When a family member has been diagnosed with hATTR amyloidosis, the range of symptoms that come with the disease may require a loved one to become a caregiver.…
hATTR amyloidosis is a genetic disorder that may affect you and others in your family. An open and honest conversation about your experience may encourage others to…
Caregiver burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. It may be accompanied by a change in attitude, from positive and caring to negative and…
Here Are Some Steps You Can Take to Help Prevent Caregiver Burnout: * Find someone you trust -- such as a friend, co-worker, or neighbor -- to talk to about your…
If you are already suffering from stress and depression, seek medical attention. Stress and depression are treatable disorders. If you want to prevent burnout,…
The Alnylam Act(R) program was created to provide access to genetic testing and counseling to patients as a way to help people make more informed decisions about…
hATTR amyloidosis is a rare condition that affects an estimated 50,000 people worldwide. It is caused by an inherited gene variant, or change, in the transthyretin…
La AhTTR se debe a un cambio genetico (mutacion) que afecta a la funcion de una proteina en la sangre denominada transtiretina (TTR). Esta proteina se produce…